Why “Lost Soul” leather?

I guess that a simple answer is that I was one until I’ve discovered that being my own boss, working in live music industry and creating beautiful, lasting a lifetime items is my “path”.

I’ve done many things before this discovery.

I was a bar manager in Kings Cross, London. Fun fact: Kit Harington worked with me there while he was still studying in a nearby actor’s school, 2005. Yup, I pulled pints with Jon Snow!

I was one of the security guards at the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square. I screened cars for bombs with that little curved mirror on a pole. Fun fact: I didn’t find any!

I’ve spent a couple of years working for a company measuring TV viewings… How exciting was that! Fun fact: …. next question!

I worked as an IT technician for quite a while. As stable and predictable it was, it wasn’t for me, my creative spirit was screaming inside of me and wanted to be set free! Fun fact: I managed to squeeze in some creativity in between fixing printer issues and actually got certified in Adobe Illustrator in the process. Skill I use till this day when designing new leather items.

Mini Mansions at Reading Festival 2019

How did the leathercraft journey start?

Bit unusual, I think. IT director of the company I worked for at the time was building a chopper motorcycle and because I’m a biker too, he asked me for help in finding a nice leather seat for it while he was busy welding things. I made a bit of a research and discovered a whole scene of artists (mainly American) specializing in making beautiful, tooled leather motorcycle seats. Art that you sit on! Practical and beautiful! I fell in love in the whole craft instantly!

I asked the mentioned director if he’s happy for me to make him his seat. I had no clue how, but I knew that I want (need!) to make one of these beauties! He said yes. I spent the next few months watching every single instructional video available online, signing up to forums and asking silly questions, buying tools that I had no clue how to use yet.

It took me about 2 weeks of crafting every evening to make it. It was the most amazing feeling in the world when it was finished. I tooled “The Punisher” skull on to it, hand dyed, laced on the edges – I even profiled the foam inside the seat by hand. It was a bit crooked here and there, but it was BEAUTIFUL! And I made it!

My first ever leather project

I got to ride the bike. It was a piece of junk :)

But I got to sit on my seat. I made ART. And I got to sit on it. I was riding up and down the Thames, pass Big Ben, through Westminster and I just couldn’t stop smiling. Needless to say, I was “a bit” late from my lunchbreak that day…

This was about 11 years ago…

Since then, I worked on improving my hand stitching and design as well as overall leathercraft skills.

Leathercraft was always my safe haven from everyday hustle and bustle.

When I started working in the live music industry, I suddenly got to meet more and more people who appreciate unique, top-quality items that last a lifetime. I decided to combine both of my passions and I started making band merchandise – my first batch of branded key fobs sold out halfway through the tour and I was making extra stock on the tour bus in between the shows!

I make guitar straps for individual clients as well as boutique guitar makers.

At the end of 2023 I moved my home-based workshop in to proper premises.

I still tour with bands and when I’m not, I’m crafting in my Hampshire based studio.

So, that’s the leathercraft story so far – I can’t wait to see where this exciting journey will take me next!

Privately, I’m a biker, gamer, hiker, traveller, on and off cyclist and a pretty good cook.

But most importantly, I’m a father of a beautiful 4-years-old girl, who is my main motivation to wake up in the morning and try to make the world a better place!

Pretty, but unridable :)